


The biggest challenges we face in the city will not be solved by one vote alone. We need a majority of our city council to agree on an issue in order to see progress in our city. And with open records laws that prevent members of city council from discussing business outside of meetings (without inviting the public and press), city council members often must be persistent in their pursuit of needed improvements for their district or city as a whole. That's why it is important to have a Councilperson who can be a successful legislator. Amelia has been one of the most successful legislators in Council this term in passing legislation with eleven resolutions passed that Amelia introduced and nine other initiatives that she co-sponsored. Below are a few highlights of her first-term accomplishments as well as unfinished work.


Legislative Successes


Failed Proposals

Amelia is a leader who is not afraid of failure. For each legislative failure is an opportunity for learning and sometimes an opportunity to bring long needed discussion to an item. Below are Amelia's unsuccessful proposals.

Service & Programs

  Austin-East After School Transportation Study

  Affordable Housing Survey

  East Tennessee Crisis Standards of Care Planning Group

In Progress

  Use of Surveillance Technology Ordinance

  City of Knoxville Equitable Investments Policy

  City of Knoxville 10-Year Charter Review Process